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Contributing to a sustainable development in the society

Within infrastructure, AP3 invests in listed and unlisted funds as well as through direct investments. Infrastructure investments fit well with AP3’s long-term mission and the amendments to the National Pension Insurance Funds Act allow for increased investment in unlisted assets that boosts AP3’s scope to invest in infrastructure.

Arbetare från Kewab byter ut luftburen kabel mot en markkabel åt Ellevio strax norr om Högboda den 24 maj 2017. Foto: Fredrik Karlsson / SolstaFoto}{:en}digging cables in the ground{:}

AP3’s infrastructure investments

As is the case for real estate, infrastructure are illiquid assets tailored to specific operating activities. Infrastructure assets are a key pillar of sustainable social development; these are physical assets whose return and value are linked to inflation and has high potential for a stable return.

In Sweden, AP3 focuses on direct investments, while international investments are through both infrastructure funds and direct investments. The largest holding is the electricity distribution company Ellevio, acquired by a consortium of AP1, AP3, Folksam and a Canadian pension fund. In addition to Ellevio, the infrastructure portfolio also includes investments in social infrastructure, water treatment, transport and renewable energy sources.

Infrastructure, exposure, %. Return -7.8% Contribution -0.3%. As of June 30, 2024.
Elbil som laddas / electric car charging

Major infrastructure holdings

Ellevio – driving the development towards a fully electrified and sustainable society

Ellevio is one of Sweden’s largest electricity distributors and supplies electricity to nearly a million households across the country. The company has about 750 employees and is responsible for around 2 000 jobs nationwide through entrepreneurs. The company is a key player in the transition to a post-carbon society. Ellevio makes substantial investments in providing modern electricity grid services for rural areas and upgrading the existing grids in and around Swedish cities. Ellevio is owned by AP3, Omers Infrastructure, Folksam and AP1. Find out more at

Polhem Infra – a new way to invest in infrastructure

AP3 partnered up with AP1 and AP4 to found Polhem Infra as a means to securing long-term and cost-efficient investments in Swedish and Nordic infrastructure. Polhem Infra targets large infrastructure investments in the private and public sectors with a focus on collaboration and sustainability. It invests with other long-term industrial and financial partners and aspires to be a stable, responsible and long-term owner. Find out more at


Skaftåsen  Ett av Sveriges största vindkraftsprojekt Polhem Infra

Skaftåsen - Ett av Sveriges största vindkraftsprojekt

More about the AP3 portfolio

Marknadsvärde per tillgångsslag

Market value per asset class
Marknadsvärde per tillgångsslag
Medarbetare på AP3 som jobbar går i kontorslandskap


Five-year summary
Ett mötesrum där en dörr öppnas

Uteslutna bolag

Följande bolag är uteslutna från AP3s investeringar.
Uteslutna bolag

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Elnät i landskap av skog och sjö

Alternativa investeringar

Alternative investments account for around 34% of the AP3 portfolio. They consist of private equity funds, real estate, infrastructure assets, timberland and insurance-related investments.
Alternativa investeringar
En tv-skärm på väggen visar finansnyheter

Räntebärande investeringar och valuta

The fixed income and FX team at AP3 manages the Fund’s fixed income investments, which are subdivided into government, inflation-linked and corporate securities.
Räntebärande investeringar och valuta
Medarbetare på AP3 som jobbar vid dator

Noterade aktier

Nearly half of AP3’s assets are invested in stock markets worldwide. Equity investments have long been a central part of AP3’s management model, and the fund has several experienced employees in the area.
Noterade aktier