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Contact us

Welcome to contact us at AP3. Please note that a market participant (DMP) handling market sounding shall be in contact with the by AP3 below specified portfolio managers.

Mönster årsringar brun

Postal address:

Third Swedish National Pension Fund
Box 1176
SE – 111 91 Stockholm, SWEDEN

Visiting address:

Third Swedish National Pension Fund
Vasagatan 16

Phone: +46 8 555 17 100


General questions

Invoice address:

Tredje AP-fonden/Third Swedish National Pension Fund
FE 1378 Scancloud

Invoices to Council on Ethics

AP-fondernas etikråd
c/o Tredje AP-fonden
FE 1378 Scancloud

Sustainability and Governance

Fredric Nyström, Head of Sustainability and Governance

Market sounding according to MAR

This information is directed to market participants handling market soundings in accordance with market abuse regulations and ESMA’s MAR guidelines. A market participant (DMP) handling market sounding shall be in contact with the by AP3 below specified portfolio managers. These portfolio managers are authorized to receive and handle questions regarding markets soundings (MSR):


In the first instance, the function for execution is contacted through:

  1. Urban Eriksson

  2. Olle Bastmark

At times when execution cannot be reached, contact Jonas Victorsson, Head of Equities, or Mattias Lundgren Swedish Small Cap.

Fixed income

For fixed income or credit instruments, contact Joakim Blomqvist, Head of Fixed Income and FX. At times when Joakim Blomqvist cannot be reached, contact Mats Wirdefeldt.

Other inquiries


AP3 strives to maintain an open business climate and a high level of business ethics. In our operations, we safeguard the safety and respect of all the people affected by our activities. You have an important role in our success.

We offer a secure channel for anonymous reporting and dialogue. This digital service is provided by an external party, WhistleB.

Instructions for whistleblowing (Swedish pdf)

WhistleBs digital service for whistleblowing