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Welcome to AP3’s newsroom. Here you will find our most recent press releases. In "Pressmaterial" below, you can download logos and images. Royalty fees are not assessed for use of AP3’s visual material, provided the material is used in contexts that have a clear connection to the Third AP Fund and its operations. Image manipulation is prohibited. Remember to always cite the source and, when specified, the photographer.

Ett kontorsrum bakom en glasvägg och två medarbetare skymtar fram

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bild på personer som har möte

Upphandling - Pågående/Avslutade

Ongoing and Concluded procurement processes.
Upphandling - Pågående/Avslutade
En tv-skärm på väggen visar finansnyheter


Here you will find news, ongoing procurement processes and browse our FAQ’s. Please feel free to contact us at with any questions you may have.
en grön låda med knopp

Frågor och svar

Learn more about AP3 and what we do.
Frågor och svar