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Governance of AP3

AP3 is a state pension fund that differs from other government agencies in its autonomy from central government.

Svenska flaggan i flaggstång mot blå himmel{:}{:en}Flagpole with Swedish flag against a blue sky{:}

The Fund’s operations are almost entirely prescribed by statute and the government has waived its regulatory oversight. The Funds create favourable means for successful asset management by constantly remaining focused on the target. AP3 achieves this through a commitment to the pension system in the form of clear return targets set on the basis of the mission stipulated in the Public Pension Funds (AP Funds) Act (2000:192).

Public Pension Funds (AP Funds) Act

Board of directors

The AP3 board of directors has nine members, all appointed by the government. Two directors are appointed from nominees of employee organisations and a further two from nominees of employer organisations. The government appoints the Chairman and Deputy Chairman from its own nominees.

The board of directors has full and collective responsibility for AP3’s administration, within the parameters set by Parliament, and for the management of its assets. Board responsibilities and activities not prescribed by statute are set out in the board’s work plan, which is approved annually by the directors.

Significant external and internal rules and frameworks affecting AP3’s administration

  • National Pension Insurance Funds Act

  • AP3’s governance framework

  • Policy on Governance and Evaluation of the AP Funds

  • Accounting and valuation policies of the AP funds

  • Administrative Procedure Act

  • Freedom of information

  • Public Procurement Act

  • Swedish Code of Corporate Governance.


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Ett mötesrum bakom en glasvägg

Organisation and Executive management

The majority of AP3 employees work in asset management and business support, covering areas such as analysis, asset management, risk management and administration related to a global and diversified asset management operation.
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Bild på AP3 logotyp i kontorsmiljö

About AP3

Third Swedish National Pension Fund (AP3) is an investor tasked with contributing to the stability of the Swedish income pension system on behalf of current and future pensioners.
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Entredörr AP3s lokaler Stockholm

Our mission

AP3’s mission is to generate maximum possible benefit for the current and future pensioners through responsible investment and management of the pension system buffer.
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