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Executive Management

AP3’s management team consists of the CEO, Chief Investment Officer (CIO), Chief Financial Officer (CFO) / Chief Risk Officer (CRO) who is the head of business support and control, the HR manager and the head of communications. The management team is responsible for developing the fund’s overall strategy, brand and communication, as well as handling budget and performance issues and personnel issues.

Ett mötesrum bakom en glasvägg


Staffan VD på AP3 i kostym i ett kontorslandskap


Staffan Hansén

Jonas Thulin CIO AP3

CIO, Chief Investment Officer

Jonas Thulin

Porträtt av Eva Boric, CFO, Chief Financial Officer och CRO, Chief Risk Officer

Chief Financial Officer and Chief Risk Officer (CFO and CRO)

Eva Boric

Porträtt av Lil Larås Lindgren, Kommunikationschef

Head of Communications

Lil Larås Lindgren

Porträtt av Zorica Bodiroza, Personalchef

Head of Human Resources

Zorica Bodiroza

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Ett mötesrum bakom en glasvägg

Organisation and Executive management

The majority of AP3 employees work in asset management and business support, covering areas such as analysis, asset management, risk management and administration related to a global and diversified asset management operation.
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Bild på AP3 logotyp i kontorsmiljö

About AP3

Third Swedish National Pension Fund (AP3) is an investor tasked with contributing to the stability of the Swedish income pension system on behalf of current and future pensioners.
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Entredörr AP3s lokaler Stockholm

Our mission

AP3’s mission is to generate maximum possible benefit for the current and future pensioners through responsible investment and management of the pension system buffer.
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