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Board of directors

The AP3 board of directors has nine members, all appointed by the government. Two directors are appointed from nominees of employee organisations and a further two from nominees of employer organisations.

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The Board members

The Chairman of the Third AP Fund is Christina Lindenius. The government appoints the Chairman and Deputy Chairman from its own nominees. The government’s Policy for Governance and Evaluation of the AP Funds stipulates that no director may hold board membership for more than eight years. Read more about the board’s work in AP3’s annual report.

AP3 Board of Directors

Porträtt av AP3s styrelseordförande Christina Lindenius

Chairman of the board

Christina Lindenius

Porträtt av Johan Bygge

Deputy Chairman of the board

Johan Bygge

Maria Ferlin

Board member

Maria Ferlin

porträtt av Torbjörn Hållö

Board member

Torbjörn Hållö

Christer Löfdahl

Board member

Christer Löfdahl

Bild på Annelie Söderberg styrelseledamot

Board member

Annelie Söderberg

porträtt av Ylva Hedén Westerdahl

Board member

Ylva Hedén Westerdahl

Bild på Carina Wutzler, styrelseledamot

Board member

Carina Wutzler

Per Lindqvist styrelseledamot AP3

Board member

Per Lindqvist

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Medarbetare på AP3 som jobbar vid en skärm

Kostnadseffektiv förvaltning

Responsible management that delivers high-cost effectiveness and stability over time is key for AP3. Cost efficiency is always in the spotlight and the Fund carefully monitors expenditures in multiple ways.
Kostnadseffektiv förvaltning
AP3 Entré med logotyp och dörr

Vårt uppdrag

AP3’s mission is to generate maximum possible benefit for the current and future pensioners through responsible investment and management of the pension system buffer.
Vårt uppdrag
Staffan VD på AP3 i kostym i ett kontorslandskap


The management team is responsible for developing the fund’s overall strategy, brand and communication, as well as handling budget and performance issues and personnel issues.